
Full service construction contractor with a history of delivering innovative construction solutions.

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Smithbridge Group wins QLD Excellence Award for Family Business Australia

Announcing the Queensland 2022 Family Business Excellence Award winner for the Large Business Category – Congratulations to the Smithbridge Group.

In June 2022 the Smithbridge Group was awarded this prestigious award with the members of the Smith family in attendance: Dashelle Bailey (Group Manager – Strategy & Growth), Ben Smith (Brisbane Branch Manager), Oliver Martin (Group CEO), John Smith (Founder), Shanika Smith (family member).

The Large Business Category recognises the achievements of a family who is managing a respected and successful large family business (200+ FTE) and the significant contribution they make to the Australian community, society and economy. We are honoured to be the recipients of this award and it’s all thanks to the dedication of our many team members throughout the years.

 “I was honoured to accept the award and had to admit I was the one getting the credit for my parents and grandparents hard work! My Grandad (Smithy) flew down from Cairns to join us in Brisbane to receive the award and it was all the sweeter having him there” Dashelle Bailey says.

Special mention goes to our entire Universal Cranes, Auckland Waikato Cranes and Smithbridge Guam teams, who make it all possible!

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